The longest board meeting in Woodmen Hills history and the all important admonishment of Mr. Pace it is in video 10

It took so long to load it kept resetting on Google. There was a glitch in uploading all 10 files we will get them up as soon as we can in reverse order



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7 Responses to The longest board meeting in Woodmen Hills history and the all important admonishment of Mr. Pace it is in video 10

  1. Jon Martin says:

    Ron, As I said when we talked on Friday, I did not think Troy said what you thought he said. You posted “Who told Troy there was a video of me with the ladies? He made it clear “he” had video of me when the ladies went in. No Officer Troy you are sadly mistaken, but more so I have the proof to clear my name and you are busted”.

    If you go to the video you posted during your comments starting at 16:54 Troy said you were up there when Board members were up there. At no time did he ever say you were there when the when the ladies went in.
    Now go to your post from 16 July 2018 titled

    On that video you posted of the locks being changed at 1:01 you said it looks like we do have a few Board members here, we wont use their names. We would like to get an interview but they are probably busy so we are not going to bother them. Can you please point out on any video where Troy said “He made it clear “he” had video of me when the ladies went in”. I almost fell off the couch laughing when I figured out that YOU posted a video showing you were there when the Ladies were there. Again you are trying to twist statements that are not true. You should see if you can get a job on MSNBC, fake news is their only business.


    • Boston says:

      Jon the times are what they are. I was not here when it went down and Woodmen Hills is refusing to cough up the surveillance video, why?
      Simple if I was there at the time it went down then that is on me but since is left my home at 815 in the morning and can be shown on 3 different videos
      the facts speak for themselves.


      • Jon Martin says:

        Please post the time in the video where Troy said you were there when it went down. It was still going down when you showed up to take the video of the locks being changed. I gave you times in both video’s to prove that you were wrong. Please do the same if you think you are right. You can’t just say, timed are what they are when you are the one that posted the video’s…


      • Boston says:

        Jon I have to concentrate on other matters, Jon either you will or will not waive service is all I need at this point.


      • Boston says:

        We Take Jon’s silence as a no go on waiving service.


  2. Jon Martin says:

    Here is another one for you. On yet another one of your post you said. “Jon hire a lawyer. Your video was hit today. Also try searching the site and tell your buddies take a hike , everyone knows your buds with Russell Reiter.
    I told you before you and your best buds picked a fight with the wrong guy. My friend thought that you charging the camera and saying “Cybil” was priceless.
    More video to come tuff guy, lol and where is my 10 bucks? Fighting with the people that were helping me because they think this stuff is what it is. I asked the transparency I didn’t get it I ask for records I didn’t get it I ask to be treated with some kind of respect and in the end well we know where that went. A lot of people behind the scenes are of the opinion that nothing is going to change and right now that’s correct. All these promises of transparency and a Better board better days didn’t materialize. Don’t blame me for what this new boy is not doing I’m still holding them to the same standard I held other boards and now me and my friend are at odds because he doesn’t like the fact did I am continually on the defensive and I agree with them. That’s all this is about as me defending allegations and once those allegations are levied you can’t take them back. And you wonder why I’m pissed off John
    So a couple of things I don’t understand. 1st What was my video hit by? 2nd you said “My friend thought that you charging the camera and saying “Cybil” was priceless”. So start at say 16:48 of my comments and please tell everyone how I was charging the camera. Yet, more fake news. I hope more people than just your family looks at your blog. You do a pretty good job of showing people how you try to twist things!!


    • Boston says:

      Jon you are not trying to help but thanks anyway if you want to help waive service please, thanks.
      You miss the point.
      Also I asked for the surveillance footage of the foyer and still waiting for it.
      If I was where I was at I would say so. As for this issue I can not post it on my own if I not mistaken but will check.

      Please come to the hearing ok. What should concern everyone is if Bendelow is going to lawyer for Stinson.
      See you there.


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