Mutiny in Woodmen Hills the board has gone “rogue” and taking us down in the process.

Update: Under “Roberts rules of Order”, Anthony Pizzi, Walter Porter and Joshua Killett violated the rules as shown. The board chair can “quash” a motion and can move the meeting be ended. Under the rules Anthony Pizzi violated the rules by not having the “floor” and as shown the “chair” did not recognize him as having the floor. As for kicking out or “voting” out both employees, there are rules for booting out “employees” who are on the clock in discharge of their duties.  As such “employees are not “the public” at the time the meeting takes place. Since the meeting was to discuss public actions both directors can be excused but not by vote of the board as it is not required to do. The board can ask that “employees” excuse themselves and return to their duties without violating the open meeting law. The violation occurred when “a vote” was taken by the board to remove them as a board can not vote to remove the “public” who wishes to attend the meeting as it is “open to the public”.

For those who need proof

Side note: The following persons have all been served in connection with the CRRRG case. Lynne Bliss, Frank Gonzalez, Joshua Killett,  Janice Pizzi, and one developer. See ya at the trial and Abby Kirkbride attorney for Woodmen Hills make sure you stay out of it now as they were served in their individual capacity. As witnessed Janice Pizzi attempted to confer with Abby after she was served and neither Killett nor Pizzi is entitled to be represented by her as the they were not subpoenaed in their official capacity.

As mentioned earlier the district rehired Brownstein Hyatt Faber and Schreck as attorneys for Woodmen Hills. Lets see if they make appearances on behalf of those where were legally put under subpoena by the CIW. Here is the email I sent to Abby today

In what was described as a mutiny by three board members criminal Joshua Killett tried to pick a fight with yours truly by grabbing my video camera and recorder at the end of the board meeting when I left to greet two new people and he wanted to throw down. 5 witnesses saw has actions. Well Josh, see you in court.

The meeting started by appointing a new board member named Mr. Parks after opening comments by Killett.

It should be noted that during the meeting that it was announced that  Janice Pizzi is a “consultant” to the board for Park and Rec this is what Frank was eluding to during our a conversation  about Pizzi,  “pulling the stings” an the “puppet master” behind the scenes.

She was also served by me for the up coming trial for the CRRRG (videoed taped). She tried to get the new attorney for Woodmen Hills to intervene but that was all over when the meeting was over she left quick, smart move lady.

It is official the board of the PFA all resigned and Benjamin Green resigned as district consultant. I misspoke in the fact that the PFA has dissolved as no articles of disillusion were filed.

Pubic comments is where the meeting got interesting as Lynne and Frank spoke what we learned;

It’s official Anthony Pizzi bullied two ex board members (at board meeting) of the board right after he ordered out two district directors for Woodmen Hills to leave a board meeting in January 23, 2017 which was open to the public.

Seems Mike in his ex cop voice got huffy and Lynne and Frank wanted both directors to stay and the others (Porter, Pizzi, and Killett) voted to kick them out of a public meeting. The board then passed resolutions to change the bylaws in violation of state law as only a criminal president could accompanied by Walter Porter and Mike Pizzi.

Frank Gonzales and Lynne Bliss recited what took place as Mike “the bully” referred to as  being loud and bossy  and taking over the meeting in January 23, 2017 that was not published.

For the record they were holding meetings without posting them and that was confirmed by Lynne Bliss. It was confirmed that they are hold nonposted meetings for the purpose of hiding the districts operations in violation of state open meeting laws on at least 3 occasions.

It should be noted a recall is in the works and three board members will face the chopping block as many as all are subject to being removed.

It should be noted that the board is diverting some kind of funds from water and wastewater to Park and Rec as noted by one speaker at the meeting  who also recalled what transpired during the January meeting when Mike “took over” the meeting. Lynne summed it up in her comments during public comments.

Patrick manager of the park and rec is no longer working for Woodmen Hills relived on the same day Jan became a consultant according to a source that spoke to him.

The board changed the rules of the board with out proper notification of the 30 days pursuant to title 32 before passing the resolution from “super majority” to “majority” vote. They broke the law in changing the rules and that is why Lynne and Frank quit the board.

One note: of record Lynne and Frank have hired an attorney.

Killett’s criminal mannerisms were on display and the deputy was his friend but I kept the recording as Killett started some shit and the deputy let it pass as my recorder was recording so in short order I will call the undersheriff to get a full report from the deputy.

The meeting was as bad as they come and Pizzi was officially served by me after the meeting and witnessed by all in the room.

Unconfirmed reports of Green displeasure have surfaced but it came from a good source.

Now as the meeting went on it was clear that the directors have been assigned new duties and Lisa Peterson was being forced to do what she did by a board member (s) and I told her to go see an attorney and go after Woodmen Hills as should Gene but we shall see.

I will post the new resolution as soon as I get it.

This was a joke of epic proportions in the fact that the truth will come out that Lisa Peterson is in fear for her job by Janice Pizzi and that was confirmed tonight. I told her to get a lawyer asap. Do it for your own good and clear your name.

She started crying and it pissed me off. If you do nothing when it all comes tumbling down you go with them so either Lynne was right or it was a show. Either way we will eventually find out. No job is worth going to jail for.

Here is the letter read into the record by Frank Gonzalez tonight. The video speaks volumes.

As I said before it is the Pizzi show and Mike and Jan will lose big.

I asked for a criminal investigation by the lawyer and she just stared at me well to bad, my turn. I was only allowed to speak for less then three minutes as the time started when Josh called my name and I asked to defer and he refused to let me.

Note: the board said Bill Lewis retired, not sure that really happened. The new lawyer Abby will be receiving a letter from me soon enough (see letter above) asking how the board violated the law in the January meeting and now she has knowledge of it so by law she as an officer of the court should report it to the state. It violates half a dozen title 32 laws and Woodmen Hills did halt CORA responses per the board or others behind the backs of Lynne Bliss and Frank from the looks of it as they too admitted that they were in the dark on some meetings held without notice.

To hear it from Lynne the board was not including Lynne or Frank in communications between Porter, Pizzi and Killett.

I am uploading the video that will stand the test of time This is one for the ages and if you think this over by a long shot think again.

The lawsuits need to fly and Gene and Lisa get lawyers as what Mike did was illegal. Abuse of employees is illegal get lawyers I know others have.

Watch the videos and listen very carefully. Mr. Bendelow is apparently no longer the attorney for Woodmen Hills as BHFS are now the legal counsel but he may be of counsel on the CIW matter.

I am calling the UMB board of directors and trustee asap. This is exactly and they voted in a new board member Polk somebody.

It’s recall time get your signatures ready to clean up this mess. There are recordings of the meeting in January 2017 and I will get copies of them asap.

This is by far and away the worst POS board in history.

All I can say is Holy………..

If you have the recording of those meetings please forward them to me so others can hear it and post it of what transpired for the public to know who is going to run this place into the ground, if memory serves me this is “a case of the tail wagging the dog”.

Without further adue here is the meeting

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12 Responses to Mutiny in Woodmen Hills the board has gone “rogue” and taking us down in the process.

  1. Laura Snyder says:

    Thank you for recording the meeting. As I am unable to make these. If there are complaints please tell them it is member requested.


  2. Tom says:

    Mr. Pace this community owes you a big apology.


  3. Gale says:

    I never thought the day would come seeing the video shocked us. We are glad to sign a petition for removal of all members. Just WOW!


  4. Anonymous says:

    One might want to explore if Jan is being compensated as a consultant to the board. The Woodmen Hills bylaws prohibit financial enrichment. Another is the conflict of interest posed by the fact that Mr. Pizzi is on the board. Just me thinking out loud but this is the very essence of conflict and violates Woodmen Hills rules, bylaws and board member standards of conduct.


  5. Concerned says:

    Jan’s only need of compensation is power. Just go to the district website and try to email Mike Pizzi. This is the email you get: So you aren’t emailing him, you’re emailing Jan….. That seems like a red flag right there. Mike is her puppet. 10 minutes after they removed Lynne from Board President they made Jan the consultant for the buildout. What are her qualifications for that?


    • Boston says:

      No shit! I knew it, she was installed as the ringmaster as soon as her husband took control. Hhahhahahahahahha and you all didn’t believe me now look at the situation.
      She isn’t qualified for anything. She has no formal training and holds no post secondary education to my knowledge. She has never held a formal position nor is she a licensed consultant in the any state. It should be noted that while board president the park and rec budget was over and as a result they had to close the centers to cut costs and in almost each year raise the rates to cover the operations cost which ran over. No one heeded my warning and if Peterson listened to me in the first place………….
      Mikes lost his sack years ago Jan keeps them in a jar by the door LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
      If true were all F………d.


      • Concerned says:

        Peterson is a huge part of the problem. The way she treats people is so unbelievably disrespectful. The ego of that woman is awful and she in no way knows what “Public Service” means.


      • Boston says:

        As I understand it she was forced to act that way but in hind site she was warned about it by me and she ignored me. Now it may cost her as she will have to keep doing things in violation and I told her to go see Dan May and get an attorney and sue Woodmen Hills for what has happened. She thought none of it would come crashing down but as I said it always comes crashing down. It is always the account and such who get thrown under the bus and this will be no exception.


  6. Concerned says:

    No one “forced” her to act the way she treated me. I’ve witnessed her call an employee a “retard”.


    • Boston says:

      Really, she called someone a “retard”! That is information only someone who worked there would know, thanks.
      It is my intention to shine light on the interworking’s of Woodmen Hills and now that egg is cracked, I hope that others will follow my advise and do what’s right.


  7. Disgusted says:

    Lisa runs the show, she does what is needed to get people off her back and then does whatever she wants.


    • Boston says:

      Yes I agree and if she is putting on a “show” for me there is nothing I can do about that. If the goal of her friendship with Pizzi is to block CORA then I will have the proof on my side. I never said she was innocent of anything but Lynne asked me to back off of her for a reason. If I suspect a ruse then I will find out as “tears” don’t phase me in the least. Please remember I have the comments from an ex employees lawyer on a call to have be banned from Woodmen Hills permanently involving both Peterson and Pizzi it was a legitimate call.
      I take issue with the fact that both parties were tossed out of a public meeting by a vote of the board and that is illegal. The fact that I follow the districts site should tell you that the postings for the meetings were not posted prior to the meetings but they are now.
      Removing the board is the only option and with the behavior of Pizzi and company it is grounds but they passed the “recall” resolution to prevent the community from undertaking one.
      Believe me when I say the day is coming and that day the community will be set free and actually enjoy the place they call home.
      I pick my fights and when I have to fight, I see an injustice and fix it. Pizzi being brought on as “consultant” is a signal to the community that the corruption has hit an all time high.
      The one thing I know is when 4 ex employees come to me and tell me the who, what, where, and when of operations I get it.
      I am not afraid of Pizzi or Killett who try to act innocent but believe me their not. Just look at the video of the meeting and watch their mannerisms and body movement. Some in the community call them friends well that should tell you all you need to know about their character.
      When you all start paying for their mistakes in your monthly fees then lets see how much you like them. Lynne and Frank did hire a lawyer for a reason and should not have been removed and they now have legal standing to sue Woodmen Hills. I requested the recordings for my site and those recordings are legally CORA so if Joshy boy or Pizzi stop it you know they have something to hide.
      The park and rec remodel will cost over 5 million and not of record is the report done by an independent consultant to “NOT” do it. But now you have a “rouge” board. It should be noted that they hired a guy to do PR for Woodmen Hills as he was at the meeting but did you ever get notice in public session that it was being done, NO.
      On that note they posted only part of the resolutions but not the one for “directors duties” as should have been done the next day but was not.


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